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Saudi Arabia's Recognition of Ozyegin University in Turkey

Saudi Arabia's Recognition of Ozyegin University in Turkey

Rahma AshrafMay 28, 2024 (1 mins read)

Cross-Border Educational Alliance: Saudi Arabia's Recognition of Ozyegin University in Turkey

Saudi Arabia has agreed to formally recognize the Özyeğin institution in Turkey as an authorized institution, a step that shows the continued expansion of international ties and academic collaboration between nations. Saudi Arabia conveyed its wish to strengthen intellectual and cultural exchanges with Turkey while praising the quality of higher education and scientific research conducted there.

This step comes within the framework of continuous efforts to strengthen academic cooperation between Saudi Arabia and Turkey, demonstrating the willingness of both countries to enhance cultural and educational ties for the benefit of youth in both nations. Özyeğin University is considered one of the leading universities in Turkey, offering distinguished educational programs in various fields and hosting a diverse and dynamic academic community.

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Rahma Ashraf

Rahma Ashraf

@Rahma Ashraf

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