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Iraq Recognizes Turkey's Atılım University

Iraq Recognizes Turkey's Atılım University

Rahma AshrafMay 29, 2024 (1 mins read)

The Progress of Information and Learning: Iraq Recognizes Turkey's Atılım University

Iraq's official recognition of Turkey's Atılım University is a noteworthy and exciting development for the scientific partnership between Iraq and Turkey. This move is the outcome of ongoing efforts to improve scientific and cultural interchange between the two nations, which reflects their shared goal of fortifying strategic alliances in the domains of science and education.

One of Turkey's top institutions, Atılım is renowned for providing top-notch academic programs in a range of humanistic and scientific fields. Iraqi students will be able to apply for admission to the institution and take advantage of its cutting-edge research and educational facilities, according to this new recognition.

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Rahma Ashraf

Rahma Ashraf

@Rahma Ashraf

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