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Announcement Regarding the Availability of Medical School Seats

Announcement Regarding the Availability of Medical School Seats

Rahma AshrafMay 15, 2024 (1 mins read)

Announcement Regarding the Availability of Medical School Seats for the Academic Year 2024-2025

As per the university seat allocation file made public by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK), we would like to notify you that the following private universities will not have any seats available for medical school for the 2024–2025 academic year:


Universities that do not have any seats listed in the file but have not formally notified that there are no seats available for medical school:

  • Nişantaşı University 
  • Bahçeşehir University
  • Atlas University


Universities that have formally declared that there are no spaces available for medical school:

  •  Haliç University
  •  Beykent University


For more information about studying abroad, or for your direct inquiries, please contact us via WhatsApp on : 00905373133385


Rahma Ashraf

Rahma Ashraf

@Rahma Ashraf

Content Writer

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