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Qatar has recognized Özyeğin University

Qatar has recognized Özyeğin University

Rahma AshrafMay 17, 2024 (1 mins read)

Qatar has recognized Özyeğin University

A Turkish school renowned for its creative and entrepreneurial approach to education.

Özyeğin University, founded in 2007, provides undergraduate and graduate degrees in English, including engineering, business, social sciences, and law.

The institution is particularly well-known for its contemporary, ecologically friendly campus and emphasis on practical, hands-on learning opportunities.

Özyeğin University has received several awards, including being named among Turkey's best institutions for social effect and employment rates.

It also boasts various international alliances and exchange programs, extending its worldwide reach and giving students a great opportunity to obtain foreign experience.

Qatar's recognition is part of a larger trend of increased educational collaboration between countries, allowing for more student mobility and intellectual interchange.



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Rahma Ashraf

Rahma Ashraf

@Rahma Ashraf

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