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Saudi Arabia Recognizes the National University of Theatre and Film

Saudi Arabia Recognizes the National University of Theatre and Film

Rahma AshrafJune 23, 2024 (1 mins read)

Saudi Arabia Recognizes the National University of Theatre and Film

The National University of Theatre and Film "Caragiale" in Bucharest, Romania, has received recognition from Saudi Arabia. This university is among the best in Europe for theater and cinema studies. The institution, which was founded to foster artistic abilities and encourage creativity in acting, directing, screenwriting, and film production, provides exceptional academic programs that combine theoretical instruction with hands-on experience.

The institution has cutting-edge facilities such sophisticated theaters and filming studios, and its staff comprises well-known academics and artists from both domestic and international circles. Saudi students who wish to study theater and film at a reputable university throughout the world now have more options thanks to Saudi Arabia's recognition of this university, which advances the Kingdom's creative and cultural capacities.

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Rahma Ashraf

Rahma Ashraf

@Rahma Ashraf

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